On October, 8th, 1 pm UTC, I will be part of the Webinar „The Hitchhiker’s Guide Through Complexity” (webinar complexity) as an expert on “managing complexity” and “the complexity of management” in the Management Skills Group (MSG) an international Community of Practice (CoP). From Klagenfurt into the world.
Webinar „The Hitchhiker’s Guide Through Complexity”
In the announcement of the Webinar we could read:
“’Complexity’ is one of those buzzwords that dominate the conversations around management and organizational change for the last 20 years. […]
In our Webinar, we want to take stock on where to the complexity discussion has led us as management and leadership experts. We want exchange some best practices on how to approach the topic in our work.
Christian Pirker will give us an input on his Management Guide which contains practical hints of how management can cope with high dynamics and high complexity. He will further elaborate how theories of complex systems can be applied in daily practice.”
First I will give my presentation “The management guide through complexity” (What can we learn from „systems science“, „theory of knowledge“ and „cybernetics“ findings for daily practice in management?). In my presentation I will refer to great thinkers like Michael Polanyi, Friedrich v. Hayek, Karl Popper, Konrad Lorenz, Heinz v. Foerster, Hans Ulrich, Stafford Beer, Humberto Maturana, Franciso Varela and more … and will link from „systems science“, „theory of knowledge“ and „cybernetics“ to management practice and leadership practice.
Then we will have plenty of time for discussing the topic and sharing our knowledge and experience.
All members of the Management Skills Group (MSG) are invited to come to the Webinar for participating, discussing and sharing. I hope to meet you in the Webinar!
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